Publications from Network members

Borg, E. (2009).  Local plagiarisms.  Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 34, 415–426.

Crocker, J. and Shaw, P. (2002). Research student and supervisor evaluation of intertextuality practices. Hermes, 28: 39-58.

Harwood, N. (2010). Research-based materials to demystify academic citation for postgraduates. In N. Harwood (ed.), English Language Teaching Materials: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.301-321.

Harwood, N. (2009). An interview-based study of the functions of citations in academic writing across two disciplines. Journal of Pragmatics 41(3): 497-518.

Harwood, N. (2008). Publication outlets and their effect on academic writers' citations. Scientometrics 77(2): 253-265.

Harwood, N. (2008). Citers' use of citees' names: findings from a qualitative interview-based study. Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology 59(6): 1007-1011.

Harwood, N. (2004). Citation analysis: a multidisciplinary perspective on academic literacy. In M. Baynham, A. Deignan, & G. White (eds.), Applied Linguistics at the Interface. London: Equinox, pp.79-89.

Pecorari, D. & Shaw, P. (submitted).  Faculty attitudes toward source use strategies and their implications for second-language academic writers.

Pecorari, D. (2008). Academic writing and plagiarism: A linguistic analysis. London:  Continuum.

Pecorari, D. & Shaw, P., (2010, June). 'University teachers discussing plagiarism: divided perspectives on teaching writing and shaping a culture of honesty'. Proceedings of the 4th International Plagiarism Conference, June 2010, Newcastle, UK.

Pecorari, D. (2008). Repeated language in academic discourse: The case of biology background statements.  Nordic Journal of English Studies.

Pecorari, D. (2008). Plagiarism, patchwriting and source use: Best practice in the composition classroom. In P. Friedrich, Teaching academic writing (pp. 222-241). London:  Continuum.

Pecorari, D.  (2006).  Visible and occluded citation features in postgraduate second-language writing.  English for Specific Purposes, 25, 4-29.

Pecorari, D. (2003). Good and original: Plagiarism and patchwriting in academic second-language writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 12, 317-345.

Pecorari, D. (2001).  Plagiarism and international students: How the English-speaking university responds. In D. Belcher & A. Hirvela (Eds.).  Linking literacies: Perspectives on L2 reading-writing connections (pp. 229-245).  Ann Arbor:  University of Michigan Press.

Pecorari, D. (2000). Intercultural contact and academic values: The example of plagiarism. In D. Lynch & A. Pilbeam (Eds.), Heritage and Progress: From the past to the future in intercultural understanding. Proceedings of the 1998 SIETAR Europa Congress, 57-64.

Pecorari, D. (1998). Process citing: Avoiding plagiarism in student writing.  The Japanese Learner, 16, 12-15.

Petrić, B. (2010). Students' conceptions of voice in academic writing. In R. Lorés-Sanz, P. Mur-Dueňas, & E. Lafuente-Millán (Eds.), Constructing interpersonality: Multiple perspectives  and applications to written academic genres (pp. 325-336). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Petrić, B. (2007). Rhetorical functions of citations in high- and low-rated master’s theses. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 6(3), 238-253.

Petrić, B. (2007). “This English writing thing”: Students’ perceptions of their writing experiences at an English-medium university. Porta Linguarum, 7, 45-55.

Petrić, B. (2006). Interdisciplinarity and writer identity: Students’ views and experiences. In R. Kiely, G. Clibbon, P. Rea-Dickins, & H. Woodfield (Eds.), Language, culture, and identity in applied linguistics (pp. 119-131). London: Equinox.

Petrić, B. (2004). A pedagogical perspective on plagiarism. Novelty, 11(1), 4-18.

Sutherland-Smith, W. (2005). Pandora's box: Academic perceptions of student plagiarism in writing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 4(1), 83-95.

Sutherland-Smith, W. (2008). Plagiarism, the Internet and student writing: Improving academic integrity. London: Routledge.

Sutherland-Smith, W. (2010). Retribution, deterrence and reform: The dilemmas of plagiarism management in universities. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 32, 1: 5-16.

Sutherland-Smith, W. & Pecorari, D. (2010, June). 'Policy and practice in two academic settings:  How the administrative structures of Australian and Swedish universities serve a culture of honesty'.  Proceedings of the 4th International Plagiarism Conference, June 2010, Newcastle, UK.